Friday, December 7, 2007

Coding Method

0= Glamour
1= Latina
2= Black Woman

Appearance Gaze Sexuality
0=Classy 0=eachother 0=sexual
1=Casual 1=camera 1=playful
2=Partially nude 2=elsewhere 2=friendly

0= Glamour (December 2007)
Total Couples= 17

Appearence % Sexuality % Gaze %
0=47% 0=12% 0=76%
1=41% 1=41% 1=18%
2=12% 2=47% 2=6%

1= Latina (November 2007)
Total Couples= 7

Appearence % Sexuality% Gaze%
0=43% 0=57% 0=57%
1=57% 1=14% 1=29%
2=0% 2=29% 2=14%

2= Black Woman (November 2007)
Total Couples= 13

Appearence% Sexuality% Gaze%
0=31% 0=23% 0=23%
1=69% 1=31% 1=38%
2=0% 2=46% 2=39%

My final Project

Couples and Different races; Provocative or Warmhearted

Couples in many magazines have different ways of showing affection for each other depending on the atmosphere of the picture. But, what I have never looked into is the way couples are portrayed in different race magazines. From this research I have taken, “Glamour” “Latina” and “Black Woman”, and have compared all of the couples in the magazine. The comparison consists of what the couples are wearing, the sexuality of the content, and if their gaze is toward each other, or elsewhere.
After comparing all of the couples in the three magazines, I was just curious, and looked at the women that were not as a couple and analyzed how they were dressed, what kind of attitude she had, and if she is looking at the camera or not.

Appearance, Gaze, and Sexuality
For the different appearances, I included classy, casual, and partially nude. Second, as for the gazes, I included if they are looking at each other, looking at the camera, or looking elsewhere. And third, the sexuality content consists of; sexual which is if they are close and intimately attracted to each other, playful which is being close with smiles and slight touching, and friendly with smiling but not touching in an intimate way.

Observation of “Glamour”
Glamour had the most amount of couples between all three magazines which was 17. 47% of the couples were dressed classy with extravagant dresses and the men were in suits. Also the highest percentage, 47%, of sexual content for the couples went towards

the couples just being friendly. And third, 76% were looking at the camera rather than at each other or somewhere else.
As for the women in the magazine being by herself, the most significant thing that I saw was that most of the ads had the women dressed in classy dresses with a lot of make-up on. The majority of the girls were looking into the camera and had a serious face, or a slight smile. Although the women were dressed in classy outfits and were looking straight into the camera, they still had a soft look on her face which made the ads stand out, but were not over powering and provocative.

Observation of “Black Woman”
This magazine had the second highest amount of couples which was 13. As for appearance 69% of the couples were dressed more casually, and most of the pictures, 46%, were just friendly and had no signs of intimacy or playfulness. Also, 39% of the couples were looking somewhere else rather than looking at each other or the camera. This was odd to me because putting all three of these factors together it seemed that this magazine didn’t want to portray intimacy, or classiness like the glamour magazine did.
As for the women in this magazine, most of them are nicely dressed with extravagant jewelry on. The pictures of these women are differentiated from the other magazines because they are closer to their faces and have more that are just shoulders and above. Although these women are dressed classy and some in risqué clothing, the majority of them have smiles on their faces and are standing in a relaxed position.

Observation of “Latina”
This was the magazine that had the least amount of couples which was 7. This magazine also had the majority of couples dressed casual at 57%. But as for sexuality, 57% were sexual which mostly consisted of the way the guy was looking at the girl, or into the camera and the way they were touching each other. Also, 28% of the couples were looking at the camera in the pictures.
The women in the Latina magazine are more of the “everyday” woman which are more fully figured and not the stereotypical “model” figure. These women are wearing everyday clothing and business suits and are standing either with her arm crossed or leaning against something. Another side of the women in the magazine is the ones wearing classy dresses with a seductive look in their eyes. These women stand in more of a forced pose that seems almost uncomfortable which is different than the other two magazines.

These three magazines show many ways races are differentiated by the way couples are portrayed. It was interesting to me that people can have so many ways to show his or her affection for another in an ad even without looking at each other. The Glamour magazine was the most interesting in the fact that the couples were more conservative than the other magazines in the fact they were dressed classier and they didn’t seem as passionate for each other unlike the other magazines. In the Latina and Black Woman magazines, the couples seemed more sexual than just adoring each other. The couples in the Latina

magazine also stood out in their own way because in most of the couples the man was looking at the woman in an adoring way while she was looking at the camera. There are so many ways that these couples are differentiated, but they are in some way the same which is to show feeling and compassion in different ways.
Although there were many couples in these magazines that were different from each other, the women that were alone also had a substantial difference. The Glamour women had the seductive look just like the Latina women, but had a softer way of being seductive. As for the Latina woman, they were definitely seductive, hair blowing, serious looks, and tight fit clothing gave a more impressionable look in a provocative way. However, the Black Woman magazine had women that were smiling and were closer up just on their faces rather than the whole body.
These women and couples in the magazines are a great example of how the three races are different, but also very similar. No matter what race the person is, the ads are trying to have an impact on the people that read it. Just by the gazes, appearance, and sexuality you can tell how many ways ads could affect someone.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


For my final project, i am comparing three different magazines, "Glamour", "Latina", and "Black Woman". The thing that i am looking at in these magazines are all of the pictures of couples. I have totalled all couples and am comparing their appearences, sexuallity of them together, and if they are looking at the camera, at eachother, or off somewhere else. As i am looking through the magazines, i have noticed more than just the couples. The men and women are different in the way they are dressed and the attitudes they have. In the Latina and Blackwoman magazines, the women are dressed more provocatively, and have a more serious look on her face. As for the women in Glamour, they are wearing more casual clothes and have a softer look on her face. As for the men, in the latina magazine they are wearing more of the cut-off shirts and have tattoos. But the Blackwoman magazine and Glamour have men that are wearing more preppy clothes and suites. The observations that i have been making with these three magazines are things that i would have never noticed.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I work right off of I-35 on Swisher road and today when i was driving towards lake dallas, i saw a huge cloud of smoke in the air. i thought to myself that it seemed really close to work, but i figured it was further away. But as i got closer my friend text me asking if i am ok and said that there was a huge wreck and a oil truck blew up about half a block from where i work. I didnt know anyone that was in the wreck, but my heart goes out to those that were in the wreck and the families involved.
Just now i was reading through some other blogs about racism stereotypes and gays/lesbians, etc... As i was reading this i thought about those people that were involved in that horrible wreck. Some may have been, black, white, hispanic, gay, whatever, but all that matters at the time is that they are all people just like me and you. No matter what gets said to us, or what we say to others, we are all here for a purpose to live our lives the way we would like.
Today was a horrible day for those involved in that wreck and i pray for everyone of them. We should all slow down our busy lives full of not only work and school, but also with the negative thoughts about others who do not think or act the way we do. Yes, i am guilty of thinking a different way about a person because i am not used to the way they live, but all it comes down to is that you live the life you want; those days at work or school seem long and boring, but life is too short to think like we do about others.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Codes of Television

This article seemed redundant and somewhat pointless to me. In television today, there are many ways to portray the "good guy" and the "bad guy." Camera work, lighting, editing etc.. is important in focusing in on the main character, but also the way the character acts and what he of she wears is also in obvious factor to the character. Before i took this class i never really focused on what the camera angles are and what music comes on, but since we have been looking at and discussing more movies I noticed more about what the character is wearing and the way the camera is focused on them. Although this is a good observation to have, it is sometimes nice just to watch a movie, forget all of the technical extras and enjoy a good flick!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Damon on the View

Lately i have been watching alot of the show The View. Today Damon (the husband on My Wife and Kids) was on the show. In the beginning Whoopi Goldberg began the conversation of discrimination with race. Damon's response was that we should get rid of all the bad words we use today towards other people along with the N word. Then he brought up the show Bounty Hunters and that he never sees them arresting white people, only ethic pepole from the "hood." After Damons opinion about the race sterotypes, they brought up the fact that he cant keep a girlfriend. His reason for not being able to settle down with a woman was because what he said, "i havent found one that has the fundamentals." The fundamentals mean to him that the woman has to clean, cook. and be that perfect trophy wife or girlfriend. He believes that since he has the money, then the woman needs to do whatever needs to be done for him. This made me mad becuase i believe a relationship is a partnership, not one person does this and the other does that. The fact that men think they have all the power because they make the money is a joke. Alot of women today are more powerful than men and many wives get paid more than the husbands, just like my parents. I just thought this discussion was intersting gearing towards the race, and sexist stereotypes.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Violence & Sex in video games

The only video game i have played is guitar hero. When i played this i never really thought about the girl in the game, i just played the guy most of the time because that was the first one to select. Before this class, a game was a game and i didnt think anything about all of the steretypes that are in video games. During our class on friday i started thinking about a game that my friend plays, Grand Theft Auto. I always thought this game was way too violent and promoted too many illegal things, but there are alot of race and gender sterotypes. When he was playing it, he was a black guy that had sagging pants and all kinds of weapons. Throughout the game he shot people, stole cars, ran from the police, and you can even pick up a prostitute! Most of the innocent people and cops were white and above the age of 30. But as for the bad guys and prostitutes they were wither black, or hispanic and some white. And the prostitutes just looked like prostitutes. It just surprises me that parents would buy something like this for a child, and wonder why they dont listen to them and act up. As a child i never played video games and if i did, it was just the older ones that didnt involve any shooting, stabbing, or picking up prostitutes.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Women at an Advantage?

I just recently got a job at an insurance company. While i was at work today someone came up to me and told me that i should think about selling insurance for a living. I thought this was wierd because this is the first job i have ever had involving insurance and i really dont know much about insurance. He said that i would be great in that field because i am a tall blonde that knows how to dress well and i know how to talk to people. I took this as a great compliment because i want to be a great business woman when i get a career, but it also made me think. Do women have an advantage just because we are women??

He continued to tell me about a close friend of his that wanted to start her own business selling insurance. So she put on her short skirt, low shirt, tall heels, and a great smile and headed out to the Hispanic car dealerships. He said the first few months she did this she made about 5,000 a month just targeting these car dealerships. Then we got in a discussion about how any well dressed woman with confidence and a great smile could walk into a room full of men and sell anything. To me this is a great advantage, but also i want not only to be know as the pretty girl that can sell insurance, but as a woman that has worked her butt off to get where she is today.

Sex and Ad's on the View

Yesterday morning i was getting ready for work and i was listening to the view. They had two women on that were regular everyday mom's. In the beginning they were talking about themselves and how the regular sized woman in around size 14. These women were about that size and were beautiful and successfull with a family and children, but feel like they are ab-normal because it seems that the "normal" size for a women these days is a size 2. What got my attention after that was that they showed the ad for the Dove that we watched in class saying "talk to her before they do." Then they brought up that Dove also sells Axe, and showed one of the commercials.

There was alot of discussion about these ads and how it is horrible that a company would do such a thing to promote sex. But then Star Jones chimmed in on the conversation and stated they are a business selling a product, trying to make money, and that is how the world is today. And i agreed with her. As i sat in class when we were having a conversation about this, i was thinking to myself the same thing. Yes when i have a girl i will talk to her about these things because that would be my job as a mom. But as a business woman i have to do my job, and my job is to sell.

Women Broadcasters

As i read the chapter over women broadcasters i had several mixed emotions about the subject. As i began to read i knew that there are several women that do broadcasting for sports and i am somewhat jelous of them. To me that would be a great field to work in. Since my major is marketing i would love to do marketing for the dallas cowboys or the Stars. But there are also many things to think about being a woman in such a man dominated field.

To be a woman interviewing for a position like that you would definitley have to have your hair fixed, tight skirt, low shirt and a bubbly personality. And yes that can be sexist, but if you really think about it, these people are selling their sport and want not only men and women to watch. And of course a man is going to watch a beautiful woman talking about his favorite sport. But also as a woman viewer i respect women that have that much courage. To get a career like that, you have to know that she is a strong woman that wont let anyway tear her apart (even some sexist man as her boss.)

Oral History Project

For the oral history project, i thought it would be a very interesting project to do and has been one that i have never done before. When i first looked at the newspaper i selected from the 60's, i was wondering what people would think about us by looking at our newspapers. With all of the crime we have wonder if it is going to be the same, worse, or if someone is going to come up with a solutions to the worlds problems in 50 or 60 years?

As for looking into the past with the newspaper, the big thing that i focused on was that there were no pictures of just women. If there were a picture with a woman she was either with a man or it was just an ad for bra's or ironing boards. It is amazing how women have become more respected and even very powerful, especially in the business and political aspect.

I had aolt of fun doing this project and i thought it was a great idea not only for research, but for understanding the way people lived before us.