Monday, November 5, 2007

Violence & Sex in video games

The only video game i have played is guitar hero. When i played this i never really thought about the girl in the game, i just played the guy most of the time because that was the first one to select. Before this class, a game was a game and i didnt think anything about all of the steretypes that are in video games. During our class on friday i started thinking about a game that my friend plays, Grand Theft Auto. I always thought this game was way too violent and promoted too many illegal things, but there are alot of race and gender sterotypes. When he was playing it, he was a black guy that had sagging pants and all kinds of weapons. Throughout the game he shot people, stole cars, ran from the police, and you can even pick up a prostitute! Most of the innocent people and cops were white and above the age of 30. But as for the bad guys and prostitutes they were wither black, or hispanic and some white. And the prostitutes just looked like prostitutes. It just surprises me that parents would buy something like this for a child, and wonder why they dont listen to them and act up. As a child i never played video games and if i did, it was just the older ones that didnt involve any shooting, stabbing, or picking up prostitutes.

1 comment:

Matt said...

The purpose of a video game is to put a person in a fake world, to allow them to escape from the real world they live in. To do things they could never do before and experience things they would never have the gall to do. Sex and shooting in video games puts people in a world many of them never could nor would want to if given the chance... But I agree that a "racist" game is ridiculous. Your right in opposing it, keep up the good work!