Thursday, December 6, 2007


For my final project, i am comparing three different magazines, "Glamour", "Latina", and "Black Woman". The thing that i am looking at in these magazines are all of the pictures of couples. I have totalled all couples and am comparing their appearences, sexuallity of them together, and if they are looking at the camera, at eachother, or off somewhere else. As i am looking through the magazines, i have noticed more than just the couples. The men and women are different in the way they are dressed and the attitudes they have. In the Latina and Blackwoman magazines, the women are dressed more provocatively, and have a more serious look on her face. As for the women in Glamour, they are wearing more casual clothes and have a softer look on her face. As for the men, in the latina magazine they are wearing more of the cut-off shirts and have tattoos. But the Blackwoman magazine and Glamour have men that are wearing more preppy clothes and suites. The observations that i have been making with these three magazines are things that i would have never noticed.

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