Friday, December 7, 2007

Coding Method

0= Glamour
1= Latina
2= Black Woman

Appearance Gaze Sexuality
0=Classy 0=eachother 0=sexual
1=Casual 1=camera 1=playful
2=Partially nude 2=elsewhere 2=friendly

0= Glamour (December 2007)
Total Couples= 17

Appearence % Sexuality % Gaze %
0=47% 0=12% 0=76%
1=41% 1=41% 1=18%
2=12% 2=47% 2=6%

1= Latina (November 2007)
Total Couples= 7

Appearence % Sexuality% Gaze%
0=43% 0=57% 0=57%
1=57% 1=14% 1=29%
2=0% 2=29% 2=14%

2= Black Woman (November 2007)
Total Couples= 13

Appearence% Sexuality% Gaze%
0=31% 0=23% 0=23%
1=69% 1=31% 1=38%
2=0% 2=46% 2=39%

1 comment:

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